Safe and effective target practice with AirTarget.
Air Target’s mission is to help the defense forces of peaceful countries fire better and more efficiently. The data obtained from target practice helps to simplify the operation and define the area where it is safe to shoot. Missile target training becomes safer and more effective, also in terms of costs. Air Target relies on SATEL serial radios because they provide a reliable long-distance connection.
Air Target delivers modern, leading-edge acoustical scoring systems for quality practice and performance. It is the prime contractor to defense forces in more than 30 countries and specializes in MDI systems. The universal 12 sector Miss Distance Indicator (MDI) detects fire being directed at the target coming from any direction. The battery-operated MDI uses pressure sensors to detect the shock wave generated by a passing supersonic projectile or missile. The MDI is installed on or close to the target. Scoring data from the airborne system (MDI) is sent to the scoring station, over a telemetry link for presentation in real-time.
Reliable long-distance connection with SATEL
Miss Distance Indicators are equipped with SATEL-TR4+ UHF data transceiver modules and SATELLINE-EASy radio modems for long-range applications are used in scoring stations. SATEL serial radios are used because they have a wide frequency range meeting the world-wide requirements, and they can provide a reliable connection of up to more than 10 kilometers. Data from the target practice is used to make training safer and more effective. Defense forces, like customers everywhere, prefer sustainable solutions. Less CO2 emissions due to more efficient, safer and time saving training for defense forces. SATEL’s solutions also meet their requirements in terms of sustainability and environmental responsibility, such as REACH regulation and RoHS directive. Air Target has been an interesting use-case for SATEL radios also from the point of view of the Swedish SATEL distributor Induo. Induo has worked closely with Air Target and helped them find the best solutions for their needs and by providing support.

Air-to-air target training system
New AS-131/TB/GPS for sleeve targets is a universal 12-sector Miss Distance Indicator with GPS. The GPS coordinates are linked to the MDI telemetry link and transmitted every second to the scoring station. User gets more detailed information about the target practice.