Mission-critical data connectivity

SATEL’s solution

SATEL’s solutions ensure reliable, secure, and independent data connectivity. It enhances safety and efficiency and brings cost-savings, for example in electricity distribution, waterworks, windmills, wastewater treatment and district heating.

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems monitor and control operations remotely. SCADA applications are used for example in electricity distribution and gas utilities, waterworks, windmills, wastewater treatment, district heating, manufacturing and production.

SCADA – utility systems require a highly reliable monitoring and controlling network. Malfunctions should be pinpointed quickly and even restored remotely. Energy transmission and distribution, in particular, is very sensitive to problematic situations. Possible breaks in distribution must be kept as short as possible – there is no room for errors or delays.


SATEL applications SCADA
The solution:

SATEL’s technology

Our radio technology and expertise ensure reliable, secure and independent data connectivity in monitoring and controlling the condition of the SCADA – utility system. The solutions are comprehensive and easy to implement and expand. We offer smart communication for smart grids. For example, if you are looking for a solution for wireless IEC101 or IEC104 communication needs, SATEL has the solution for you.

SATEL XPRS meets all the mission-critical requirements

SATEL XPRS communications solution offers the most reliable long-range data connectivity and the highest availability for mission-critical applications under all circumstances. It can be built in any location, even when there is no public network availability at all. With back-up power, it also works in total electricity blackout scenarios.

SATEL XPRS can be used in co-operation with adjacent technologies with integrated redundancy and routing protocols.  It also enables a step-by-step network modernization process  by combining the IP solution to the existing legacy serial component with integrated protocol gateway functionality. Read more about SATEL XPRS.

Examples of SCADA – UTILITY systems with our products are:
  • Electricity distribution: communication between the disconnector, re-closers and secondary substations terminal units and the network control center
  • Advanced metering infrastructure / Automatic meter reading (AMI / AMR): monitoring of electricity consumption in real time
  • Renewable energy: controlling and monitoring remote sites
  • Waterworks: remote control and real-time monitoring of pumping stations, water reservoirs and distribution substations in smart water solutions
  • District heating: monitoring of measurement stations and pumps, remote control and real-time monitoring of control valves
  • Gas pipelines: gas compressing and pressure reduction stations monitoring

Sustainability matters in utility

SCADA system makes it possible to analyse and store data, identify patterns and trends, monitor remote sites, and anticipate potential problems. Better efficiency and reducing waste help to create a more sustainable future.

With the help of data, we can identify where and when, for example, energy or water are overconsumed. The usage patterns show us what are the causal factors surrounding these spikes in consumption.

Technology enables us to find solutions: predicting, preventing and correcting problems, reducing consumption and/or using cleaner alternatives aside. Closely monitoring network operations and performance enhances safety and efficiency, and brings cost-savings.




If you want to know more about the possibilities of radio technology, please contact us or our local distributor.


Stockholm Vatten

Stockholm Vatten uses SATELLAR IP radio routers for mission-critical communications in their waterworks automation network.

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RWiK Bialogard

RWiK Bialogard executed integrated water system in seven municipalities in Poland.

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Nokia Waterworks

In Nokia, Finland, different generations of equipment operate together, allowing the water network to be renewed one part at a time.

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E.ON Kainuun Sähköverkko

The company wanted to replace the old radio transmission technology with an efficient, modern solution. It was also seeking easily PC-programmable equipment.

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Bursagaz, Gas distribution

The wireless data transfer network of Bursagaz, a large Turkish gas distribution company, was designed and produced by SATEL.

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