High positioning accuracy for Machine Control and Surveying.
L5 Navigation develops and resells positioning solutions for Machine Control, Surveying, and other kinds of GNSS/RTK applications – from 3D Excavator systems to handheld GPS receivers. SATEL radio modems are a trustworthy part of L5 Navigation’s Machine Control solutions.
L5 Navigation is the leading supplier of drill navigation systems in the Nordic region and their portfolio also includes machine control for earthmoving machines and GNSS equipment for surveying. The company is using SATELLINE-EASy radio modems as an integrated part of all their machine control solutions for those who wish to receive corrections via UHF. When it comes to the other side – to transmit corrections – the preferred configuration of L5 Navigation GNSS reference station L5 M-Ref consists of the more powerful SATELLINE-EASy Pro for maximal flexibility and range.
Co-operation in Nordic region
A crucial part of many of L5 Navigation solutions is radio communication between the GNSS reference station and the GNSS rover to be able to achieve centimeter level accuracy. Therefore, both L5 Navigation and their customers demand reliable products, which SATEL definitely delivers. L5 Navigation have experienced extremely few failures with SATEL products. With SATEL’s Nordic legacy, the company provides the go-to radio communication solution throughout the entire region.

SATELLINE-EASy Pro is an IP67 classified UHF radio modem. Its casing and connectors are waterproof and secured against dust. And therefore, it is particularly well suited for mobile field applications (machine control or surveying, for instance) under varying weather conditions.