Ready to use, high frequency radio modem

The model SATELLINE-EASy 869 is a radio modem for 869 MHz frequency band and for Indian 865 MHz licence free channels with default settings. It is allocated for narrow band telemetry, alarm and data transfer applications.

Any radio modem in a network can be used as a master station, substation and/or repeater, because of the store and forward function.

SATELLINE-EASy 869 can be equipped with a LCD and push buttons for facilitating easy configuration of the radio modem. LCD can also be used to monitor the signal strength (RSSI) and the voltage of the power supply.

  • High frequency narrow band radio modem
  • Frequency band 869.400 … 870 MHz
  • Indian licence-free frequency band 865 … 867 MHz
  • Output power upto 0.5 W for 869.4 … 870 MHz
  • Output power upto 1 Wfor 865 … 867 MHz
  • Routing / repeater functions for creating networks for long distances
  • Available with or without display


Flexible, easy to expand

SATELLINE radio modem networks are flexible, easy to expand and can cover a wide variety of solutions from simple point-to-point connections to large networks of hundreds of modems. Even for expanded networks, only one operating frequency is required.


Available models and product codes:

  • SATELLINE-EASy 869 (YM6501) without display
  • SATELLINE-EASy 869 (YM6551) with display


SATEL offers a wide range of accessories for the products, see here.

Frequency range 869.400 … 870 MHz / 865…867 MHz
Details and limitations for frequencies and power are in the user manual
Channel spacing 25 kHz fixed
Sensitivity/Carrier power -111 dBm / 0.5 W / 1 W
Interface Port1: RS-232 Port2: RS-232/422
Data speed 19200 bps
Operating voltage +7 … +25 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
Power consumption RX <1.2 W / TX <3.8 W @ 0.5 W / TX <7 W @ 1 W
Size/Weight 139 x 67 x 29 mm / 250 g
Connectors D15 / TNC female
CRS-2M (YC0103) / CRS-2F (YC0104) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male OR CRS-2F female -connectors
CRS-9M (YC0203) Interface cable, length 2 meters, with D9 male / D9 male connectors
CRS-PB (YC0501) Profibus interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male -connectors for RS-485 interface
CRS-SAE-8-pin (YC0372) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes SAE power connector, with D15 / ODU 8-pin male- connectors
CRS-TSU (YC0271) Length 2 meters or 50 cm, with D15 male / D15 female connectors, to be used between radio modem and I-LINK 100
CRF-1 (YC1101) RG58, lenght 1 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors
CRF-5F (YC1105) /
CRF-5M (YC1106)
RG-58, lenght 5 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors OR CRF-5M TNC male / TNC male -connectors
CRF-50 (YC1150) Length 50 cm with TNC male / TNC male from band-pass filter to radio
ECOFLEX10 (YC1004) Low loss (0.9 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths upto 20 meter with N or TNC -connectors
ECOFLEX15 (YC1005) Low loss (0.6 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths over 20 meter with N -connectors
NARS-1F (YC0200) Interface adapter with D15 male / D9 female –connectors, 650 mA fuse. Including power supply wires and programming switch
NARS-1F-4A (YC0204) Similar than NARS-1F, but with 4A fuse
NARS-2 (YC0485) Interface adapter with D15 male / screw connectors, 650 mA fuse adapter for RS-422 / 485 interface
Antennas Half Wave, Quarter Wave, Helix, Directional and Omnidirectional Antennas
Power supply DIN (YP7524) Power supply for DIN-rail, Input 100–240 Vac / Output 24 Vdc / 2.5 A
A-AC (YP0115) Power supply for tabletop or wall mount usage. Input 100–240 Vac / Output 15 Vdc / 4.6 A