SATELLINE-3AS VHF is a half-duplex VHF radio modem that operates on 135 … 174 MHz frequency band. Channel spacing 12.5 and 25 kHz are available, with over-the-air data rates 9600 bps or 19200 bps, respectively.

A special advantage of the VHF frequency band, is the wider coverage. With the same carrier power and antenna gain, the connection ranges are 30 to 50 per cent larger than those reached with an equivalent UHF radio modem.

The radio modem is compatible with the most widely used serial interfaces RS-232, RS- 485 and RS-422. The SATELLINE-3AS(d) VHF with 5 W output power and a heat sink is the appropriate choice when continuous transmission (when transmitter duty cycle exceeds 20%) is required. In mobile fleet management applications, use of VHF frequencies reduces signal fading significantly

The product is available with and without display and with or without a cooling part.

The model SATELLINE-3ASd VHF is equipped with a LCD display, which facilitates easy programming of the radio modem.


Benefit from the SATEL NMS

A SATELLINE-3AS(d) VHF network consists of remotely adjustable radio modems controlled through the master station by the SATEL NMS (Network Management System) software. The SATEL NMS provides a powerful graphical tool for designing and monitoring the radio network.

The NMS radio modems monitor the condition of the radio connection, in particular the strength of the signal (RSSI), the voltage level of the power source and inside temperature of the modem. The information is transmitted to the software, where it is stored and displayed as logs and trend data. With the help of the graphical display at the software, the user can conveniently configure, add or remove radio modems as well as set repeater links, without need of a terminal.


Other benefits of the NMS:

  • Enhanced reliability through advance indication of anticipated faults and failures
  • Reduced configuration and maintenance costs through remote configuration
  • Flexibility in adapting to customer protocols and applications


Available models and product codes:

  • SATELLINE-3AS VHF (YM5000) without display and cooling part
  • SATELLINE-3ASd VHF (YM5010) with display, but without cooling part
  • SATELLINE-3AS VHF C (YM5020) without display, but with cooling part
  • SATELLINE-3ASd VHF C (YM5030) with display and cooling part


SATEL offers a wide range of accessories for the products, see here.

Frequency range 135 … 174 MHz
Tuning range 135 … 155, 138 … 160 MHz | 155 … 174 MHz
Channel spacing 12.5 / 25 kHz fixed
Sensitivity/Carrier power -115 dBm / 5 W
Interface RS-232, 422, 485
Data speed Radio 19200 / RS 38400 bps
Operating voltage range +10.6 … +25 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
Power consumption RX 1.7 W / TX 6.6 W @ 1 W, 22 W @ 5 W
Size/Weight 137 x 67 x 29 mm / 265 g | 137 x 80 x 56 mm / 550 g
Connectors D15 / TNC female
CRS-2M (YC0103) / CRS-2F (YC0104) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male OR CRS-2F female -connectors
CRS-9M (YC0203) Interface cable, length 2 meters, with D9 male / D9 male connectors
CRS-PB (YC0501) Profibus interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male -connectors for RS-485 interface
CRS-SAE-8-pin (YC0372) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes SAE power connector, with D15 / ODU 8-pin male- connectors
CRS-TSU (YC0271) Length 2 meters or 50 cm, with D15 male / D15 female connectors, to be used between radio modem and I-LINK 100
CRS-NMS (YC0302) Length 1.5 meters, with D15 male / 2 x D9 female connectors from Master modem to user system and NMS PC, including power supply wires
CRF-1 (YC1101) RG58, lenght 1 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors
CRF-5F (YC1105) /
CRF-5M (YC1106)
RG-58, lenght 5 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors OR CRF-5M TNC male / TNC male -connectors
CRF-50 (YC1150) Length 50 cm with TNC male / TNC male from band-pass filter to radio
ECOFLEX10 (YC1004) Low loss (0.9 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths upto 20 meter with N or TNC -connectors
ECOFLEX15 (YC1005) Low loss (0.6 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths over 20 meter with N -connectors
NARS-1F-4A (YC0204) Interface adapter with D15 male / D9 female –connectors, 4 A fuse. Including power supply wires and programming switch
NARS-2 (YC0485) Interface adapter with D15 male / screw connectors, 650 mA fuse adapter for RS-422 / 485 interface
Antennas Directional and Omnidirectional Antennas
Power supply DIN (YP7524) Power supply for DIN-rail, Input 100–240 Vac / Output 24 Vdc / 2.5 A
A-AC (YP0115) Power supply for tabletop or wall mount usage. Input 100–240 Vac / Output 15 Vdc / 4.6 A