SATELLINE-EASy is provides a compact and flexible solution for many different long-range applications. It can be equipped with an LCD and push buttons for facilitating the configuration of the radio modem. SATELLINE-EASy has two operating voltage levels to choose from and low power consumption.

  • Wide 90 MHz / 70 MHz tuning range (330…420 MHz / 403 … 473 MHz)
  • Selectable channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz
  • Operating voltage range options: +3.5 … +7.5 / +7 … +27.5 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
  • Compatible for example with SATELLINE-EASy Pro and -EASy+ modems
  • Models with AES128 encryption support available

The configuration of the radio modem can be made with a terminal program or a SATEL Configuration Manager. SATELLINE-EASy is compatible with SATEL radio modules and high power products, and with SATEL additional equipment e.g. SATELLINK products.


Available models and product codes:

  • SATELLINE-EASy, without display (YM6500)
  • SATELLINE-EASy, with display (YM6550)
  • SATELLINE-EASy, without display, with AES128 encryption support (YM6510)
  • SATELLINE-EASy, with display, with AES128 encryption support (YM6560)


SATEL offers a wide range of accessories for the products, see here.

Frequency range 330…420 MHz / 403 … 473 MHz
Tuning range 90 MHz / 70 MHz
Channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25 kHz selectable
Sensitivity/Carrier power -114 dBm / 1 W
Interface Port1: RS-232 fixed | Port2: RS-232 / 422
Data speed Radio 19200 / RS 38400 bps
Operating voltage range +3.5 … +7.5 / +7 … +27.5 Vdc (-15% / +20%)
Power consumption RX 1.2 W / TX 7 W
Size/Weight 139 x 67 x 29 mm / 250 g
Connectors D15 / TNC female
CRS-2M (YC0103) / CRS-2F (YC0104) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male OR CRS-2F female -connectors
CRS-9M (YC0203) Interface cable, length 2 meters, with D9 male / D9 male connectors
CRS-PB (YC0501) Profibus interface cable, length 2 meter, includes power supply wires, with D15 / D9 male -connectors for RS-485 interface
CRS-SAE-8-pin (YC0372) Interface cable, length 2 meter, includes SAE power connector, with D15 / ODU 8-pin male- connectors
CRS-TSU (YC0271) Length 2 meters or 50 cm, with D15 male / D15 female connectors, to be used between radio modem and I-LINK 100
CRF-1 (YC1101) RG58, lenght 1 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors
CRF-5F (YC1105) /
CRF-5M (YC1106)
RG-58, lenght 5 meter with TNC male / TNC female -connectors OR CRF-5M TNC male / TNC male -connectors
CRF-50 (YC1150) Length 50 cm with TNC male / TNC male from band-pass filter to radio
ECOFLEX10 (YC1004) Low loss (0.9 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths upto 20 meter with N or TNC -connectors
ECOFLEX15 (YC1005) Low loss (0.6 dB / 10 m) cable for cable lengths over 20 meter with N -connectors
NARS-1F (YC0200) Interface adapter with D15 male / D9 female –connectors, 650 mA fuse. Including power supply wires and programming switch
NARS-1F-4A (YC0204) Similar than NARS-1F, but with 4A fuse
NARS-2 (YC0485) Interface adapter with D15 male / screw connectors, 650 mA fuse adapter for RS-422 / 485 interface
Antennas Half Wave, Quarter Wave, Helix, Directional and Omnidirectional Antennas
Power supply DIN (YP7524) Power supply for DIN-rail, Input 100–240 Vac / Output 24 Vdc / 2.5 A. Size 125.2 x 102 x 32 mm
A-AC (YP0115) Power supply for tabletop or wall mount usage. Input 100–240 Vac / Output 15 Vdc / 4.6 A