Meteorological measurement system for extreme weather
Peru is a country with a total of 38 weather types. Diversity of weather phenomena can be dangerous for airplanes during takeoff and landing and sets high standards for the products and services. Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation manages 32 airports in Peru. Their automatic weather stations use the SATEL radio modems.
With more than 40 years in the market, MOR is the biggest representative and distributor in Peru of solutions for critical applications. Integrating leading-edge technology equipment and working with world leaders in communication, environmental and industrial measurement solutions. The company offers a wide range of innovative observation, measurement and communication products and services for weather-dependent sectors such as industrial companies, meteorology, mining, marine and aviation.
In the 32 airports of Peru, the SATEL radio modems handle the data transfer of automatic weather stations. The system observes various weather parameters by measuring data on temperature, wind, precipitation and atmospheric pressure, among others.
Getting the job done
Each automatic weather station has a 10-meter mast that sends data from the station’s various weather sensors. For example, wind sensors send data every 3 seconds, while temperature and pressure sensors send data every minute. Based on continually updated information, the system records data from different weather sensors for monitoring by the people responsible for the meteorology area of each airport.
The electricity needed for the masts is obtained from solar panels and data transfer is handled by SATELLINE- EASy radio modems. Equipment installed in different airports is prepared to withstand extremely high temperatures, exceptionally low temperatures and various other weather conditions.
Security and confidence with SATEL
SATELLINE-EASy radio modem was chosen because it provides a compact and flexible solution for many different long-range applications. It can be equipped with an LCD and push buttons to facilitate easy configuration. SATELLINE-EASy radio modem has two operating voltage levels to choose from, it also has a low power consumption and it’s suitable for 12-volt electrical systems. It operates reliably at distances up to 10 km or more, which is difficult to achieve with free frequency devices.
SATEL is a renowned and reliable manufacturer with impeccable testing documentation. In this way, we guarantee products and services with high quality standards to safeguard the lives of the
more than 33 million Peruvians who place their confidence in MOR and SATEL.